As we head into the 2014 legislative session, voices are sounding off in support of common sense legal reform across the nation and in Louisiana. Check out some of these recent articles that show the need and desire for reform:
Tri-Parish Times: Small business owner pleads for lawsuit reform in Louisiana As the owner and manager of a small business in Metairie, I have seen more than my fair share of this – and I can tell you, regardless of the merits of the claim, the costs are real. From the legal defense costs, to the time spent away from our operations, to the lost opportunity to reinvest in our company or hire a new employee – the costs are very real.
Louisiana Association of Business and Industry: Statewide Tort Reform Survey Shows Majority of Louisiana Voters Back Lawsuit Reform According to a recent statewide telephone survey conducted by Voter/Consumer Research of Washington, D.C. on behalf of the Louisiana Coalition for Common Sense, 603 registered Louisiana voters largely agree that too many frivolous lawsuits are filed in the state, and that this has a negative impact on Louisiana’s economy, consumers, and the state’s court system.
Forbes: Tort Reform Battle On The Bayou Louisiana has long had a bad reputation as a top destination for trial lawyers to venue-shop for dubious class action lawsuits, and fertile ground for bogus legacy claims that have hindered the state’s crucial oil & gas industry. This is not without real consequences… This year, a series of bills have been introduced to address the problems plaguing the state’s legal system.