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Email is one of the most important ways that you can reach your elected officials. Many legislators look at the volume of email they receive on a given issue to help them determine what action to take. By sending an email, and encouraging your family and friends to email as well, you can make sure your opinions are being considered.

Following are some tips for emailing your elected official:

  • Use a business format for the email with your contact information and the current date. It’s important to include your full address.

  • Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Identify yourself as a constituent and tell them a little bit about you (local business owner, employee at locally-owned company, etc.).

  • State what specific issue or concern you’re emailing about and what action you want the elected official to take.

  • Stick to one main issue in your email. If possible, your email should not be more than one page.

  • Don’t be afraid to share a personal story. If you have experienced the effects of lawsuit abuse firsthand, tell them. It helps make your issue and request stand out and makes it easier for the elected official to understand and address your concerns.

  • Be courteous.

  • Ask for a response.



If you prefer to write your elected official, your letter should be addressed as follows:

The Honorable (full name)
Louisiana Senate OR House
State Capitol
Baton Rouge, LA 70804


The proper salutation is Dear Senator or Dear Representative.

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