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  • New Poll Finds Strong Bipartisan Support for Government Action vs. Litigation When it Comes to Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic

​As you know, lawsuit abuse affects all Louisiana families and businesses – especially during these unprecedented times. We thought you might find this poll regarding lawsuit abuses resulting from COVID-19 and accompanying press release issued by the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), of interest.​

  • ILR Briefly (COVID-19 Series) Issue 1
    As Americans and businesses of all sizes are working together to get through the COVID-19 health crisis, plaintiffs’ lawyers have already begun filing COVID-19-related lawsuits. Limiting litigation abuse is essential to making available the tools and resources needed to combat the virus, and ultimately to spurring economic recovery once the immediate health crisis has been resolved.


  • ILR Briefly (COVID-19 Series) Issue 2
    While the U.S. continues to grapple with the health and economic consequences of the ongoing  COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are very concerned that a wave of lawsuits will interfere with their ability to do business after reopening and otherwise work to help stabilize the economy. These fears are not unfounded as plaintiffs’ lawyers are actively looking for ways to cash in on the current global crisis.


  • ILR Briefly (COVID-19 Series) Issue 3
    The United States remains in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and a national health emergency. While each state has been impacted by and responded to the virus in different
    ways, all have experienced disruptions and upheaval.


  • ILR Briefly (COVID-19 Series) Issue 4
    Given the enormous volatility and personal and financial harms involved, the court system will inevitably be called upon to sort out huge numbers of COVID-19 claims. While some plaintiffs will seek damages for contract breaches and ordinary business torts, others will likely seek compensation through more creative, less common mechanisms such as public nuisance claims.


  • More Information on COVID-19 From US Chamber ILR


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