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When time is short, calling your elected officials is a simple and effective way of making sure your concerns are heard. A quick call that gets right to the point in a courteous manner is an easy and good strategy for weighing-in on issues that matter to you.

Following are some tips for calling your elected official:

  • Identify yourself as a constituent. Constituent phone calls carry the most weight with elected officials.

  • Don’t expect to talk to the elected official directly. Most calls are taken by an official’s staff person.

  • State the reasons you are calling and the action you want your elected official to take. Keep it simple. Give a brief description of the issue of or a bill and bill number. You may find it helpful to have a couple of talking points in front of you to help you stay focused and make sure you don’t forget anything.

  • Be concise. Keep your call focused on one issue with two or three key points supporting the issue. The call should be brief – usually only a couple of minutes.

  • Always be courteous! Never threaten or use abusive language.

  • Request follow-up. Leave your name and contact information with the staff person in case they have any questions or wish to follow-up with you later.

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