At LLAW, we all know that lawsuit abuse costs our state economy. Business Report issued an article this winter detailing how Louisiana’s “statewide insurance rates are out of whack.” Check out the recent guest column by Imack Collins in the Shreveport Times to see how it impacts our pocketbooks directly through increased insurance prices:
I got shocked when I wanted to get insurance on one of my used vehicles. I even went to the trouble of getting a competitive quote to make sure my insurer wasn’t ripping me off.
Ten years ago I could get just liability insurance for $300/year. Today that number tripled. But if we research a little we’ll find out that all this is caused by all these frivolous lawsuits that are making some of our lawyers wealthier.
Today it is very typical to have a minor fender-bender and discover how the occupants of the lightly damaged vehicle jump out and start rolling in the street pretending they are in deep pain. Shortly thereafter the police, firefighters and ambulances crowd the scene carrying these “injured” individuals to nearby emergency rooms since they are making money on this “theatrical scene.”
After the “actors” are released, they find that “corrupt” lawyer who send them to the “corrupt” doctor for a medical report. Armed with the “corrupted” documentation the “corrupt” lawyer sue the “offending” vehicle insurance company, and everyone involved gets rewarded. I even have heard the same story where the occupants of the striking vehicle doing the same, so, bottom line it doesn’t matter if you are the best driver in town, the “corrupt” team will get his share from you too.
Similarly these frivolous acts of corruption also happen to small businesses, Doctors practice, large corporations and anything with compensation money available. That is why liability insurance rates have climbed so high, doctors are unaffordable, unemployment has grown, and cost of goods are high: a “corrupt” system loaded with “fortune seekers” and supported by laws full of loopholes and ambiguities.
Our legislators must establish strong guidelines and laws that prevent these frivolous suits to take place for which all of us are paying our fair share.
People who jump out of vehicles pretending they are hurt, must be made liable for all the ambulance and hospital expenses; frivolous laws should be eliminated or revised; indifferent and overly consenting judges must be replaced; corrupt doctors must be suspended from practice and heavily fined … and after all that is done and the legitimacy for the system is restored, Louisiana economy will prosper and we all should be able to drive without carrying million dollars liability insurance or paying a hefty price for health insurance.